• I managed to force myself to go up the hill and go to the Jiu-Jitsu class, very rewarding.
  • Four guys go in a coffee place, one of them is late. During the breakfast another one goes to the bathroom. At the end of the breakfast I wanted to pay for everyone, then I found out the guy who went to the bathroom wanted to do the same and the guy coming late was purposefully-late to pay for everyone once the orders were taken. GENIUS!
  • We have discussed addictions in the morning, and it’s better to avoid even the minimum amount of beer, weed or videogames if you cannot control yourself.
  • I have not slept much and this day did not go as well as I planned so decided to do a small siesta and could not do it since I kept checking the phone.
  • I found out that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not strength training but more of a fun cardio. In order to lose weight beyond a certain level, diet tweaks need to be implemented. “Cutting” principles of bodybuilding are the resources that get the results if applied (big IF).
  • I have found out you need to be in the same place for 3 months at least to learn the professional pizza technique… I will still check out the place of the guy, whoever opens a pizza place in Kosovo must be a quirky person.
  • I realized media consumption and learning is taking a lot of time out of the plate. Tomorrow I need to prioritize the personal project.
  • A Polish guy in the hostel let us have 15 minutes of silence and that was pure magic.
  • Clubbing is overrated, especially in Kosovo, smoke and hairy men everywhere and with the money I have spent I could have been in a great restaurant.
  • This daily log takes time but it’s good because I can judge myself when I make mistakes. It is a necessity.
  • I missed the date. Maybe I should publish the log through the given day and update it.
  • Stuff I want to tackle tomorrow:
    • Cherish the hill. /did not happen (woke up late due to clubbing)
    • Personal project, 2 power sessions of 4 hours each (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).
    • 1 hour of Thai.
    • Check how whey proteins are made and why they are expensive.
    • What the hell is seitan? Is it good? How is it made?
    • Check out the pizza guy place. /postponed to Sunday due to fasting
    • Read 30 pages of “Start with Why” – S. Sinek. /did not happen.
    • next log.

By Doc

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