• Everything is closed on Sundays. No way to work outside the hostel. So city tour and good food.
  • Week review:
    • Stuff to do 06_12:
      • Pizza at Bruni. /was closed
      • Eat the peppers and the bananas.
      • 1 Hour of Thai. /did not do it
      • Sinek. /did not happen
      • Personal Project. /did not happen
      • Next log.
    • Stuff to do 06_11:
      • Cherish the hill. /did not happen, woke up late due to clubbing, maybe does not make sense in the weekends.
      • Personal project, 2 power sessions of 4 hours each (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).
      • 1 hour of Thai. /did 20 minutes on an app.
      • Check how whey proteins are made and why they are expensive.
      • What the hell is seitan? Is it good? How is it made?
      • Read 30 pages of “Start with Why” – S. Sinek. /did not happen.
      • next log.
    • Stuff to do 06_10:
      • Check how whey proteins are made and why they are expensive. /did not do it
      • What the hell is seitan? Is it good? How is it made? /did not do it
      • Checking out the pizza guy’s place. /did not do it
      • Cherish the hill + BJJ Training in the morning.
      • 1 hour of Thai. /was tired and did 10 minutes audio only.
      • Read 30 pages of “Start with Why” – S. Sinek. /did not do it
      • Personal project take it further. /did not do it
      • next log.
    • Stuff to do 06_09:
      • Cherish the hill + BJJ Training.
      • Eat well (vegan possibly). /veggies are bad and expensive in Kosovo
      • Read “Web Architecture 101”.
      • Sneak into the national library.
      • 1 hour of Thai.
      • Read 30 pages of the book “Start with Why” by S. Sinek. /JUST 20.
      • Go further on a personal project. /Not sufficiently.
      • next log.
    • Managed to do the morning BJJ everyday. Good, maybe look at some videos and be more careful with lighter opponents.
    • Need to work on the 1 Hour of Thai. Maybe reduce it and make it more manageable just to make sure I start doing it.
    • Cherishing the hill in the weekends without BJJ did not make much sense. But I should try it once to see if it makes me more productive and awake.
    • Need to read more books, I had to finish the Sinek one but I have read only 20 pages.
    • Need to get back on the web architecture/ coding side of the personal project. I focused too much on getting out the investing guide, I am not a blogger.
    • Maybe I should prioritize the things to do: 1st thing the coding, then the Thai and then the reading. Let’s see.
    • GOOD: 5/5 BJJ trainings, eaten decently with 1 day fasting, started the reflection logs, published the investing beginner guide for international people.
    • BAD: went overbudget (EUR 35.00 out), 1:30/4:00 h of Thai, 20/120 pages of a book.

By Doc

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