Love can defy everything but not a EUR 1000 flight (if the lovers are poor AF).
Jiu-Jitsu is not about smashing, it’s about showing up and getting smashed every day.
New technique to wake up:
Set the alarm clock.
Don’t snooze, turn it off.
Keep eyes closed and count to 10.
Then reverse count to 1 and open the eyes.
Breathe heavily.
3Ps of a man: Protect, Provide and Procreate.
You do not get independence just because… Rugova, first President of Kosovo made it happen pacifically and unofficially as a “shadow State” within Serbia. The independence is just a legitimation of something that was already de facto independent.
Like Enrico Mattei did with Eni and Ibrahim Rugova did with Kosovo, I believe that, “Great things should start silently and unofficially.”
SISP (Solution In Search of a Problem) is an inefficient way to find a startup idea. You should also have an unfair advantage (founders 1of10/market 20%/monopoly /acquisition €0 /Product 10x).
Startup 101: Say and do. Never get stuck in execution, do it within in weeks (not months) and learn from it. Clear communication. Motivation in face of defeat.
“I’d rather have crumbs with bums than steaks with fakes.”