• It’s good to have budgeting tools in place, even if you do not constraint yourself, you know where your money went.
  • It’s unfortunate that many talks revolve around money, this world revolves around money… I am confident that with good planning money talks will be part of the past.
  • Pros and Cons of Amazon Businesses:
    • Pro 1: Can set up a shop with 1 or few employees.
    • Pro 2: Everything is manageable remotely.
    • Pro 3: Can provide very good returns on investment in short time spans.
    • Con 1: There is a big time gap between outflows and cash flows. If you have costs today it can take from 4 to 10 months to reap the benefits of your investments.
    • Con 2: You need to keep pushing and reinvest constantly, even before getting your revenues. Managing cash flows is key, since you can fail even with positive profits.
    • Con 3: Manufacturers are selling directly. To make good profits you need more than a middleman and original concepts and IP protection are crucial.
    • Con 4: the margins are decreasing, Amazon eats a huge chunk of the revenues (about 30 to 40%). Once you start, you are a bitch of Jeff Bezos.

By Doc

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