• Every day in any situation you can find reasons to be depressed and reasons to be happy. You feel what you focus on. Caring about your focus is the best you can do for yourself.
    • things that make me happy:
      • a loving family
      • being young and healthy
      • doing bullshits with friends
      • concretising a thought into a work of “art”
      • learning something useful
      • investments that finally payed out well
      • good weather!
    • things that make me sad:
      • working hard for a project and not realising it for reasons outside of your sphere of influence
      • being disappointed by people you decided to trust
      • investments that turned out to be bad
      • the inevitability of being part of a system that turns people into individualist pricks
      • bad weather
  • Music can really change your mood. It is incredible.

By Doc

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