• EN: If you have googled “Miguel Angel Avitabile”, “Miguel Avitabile” or “Jon Matin Martin” to know more about an 80+ years old man from Argentina that you have randomly met. If you have a good heart and have doubts whether to help him or not, here are some facts:
    • He did not keep his word on several occasions.
    • He added signatures of other people to legally-binding agreements without involving them.
    • He borrowed big sums of money and never gave them back.
      • Excuses for not paying back became improbable and offensive at a certain point such as, “the person who was going to pay me back had a car accident that exact moment.”
  • FR: Si vous avez cherché sur Google “Miguel Angel Avitabile”, “Miguel Avitabile” ou “Jon Matin Martin” pour en savoir plus sur un homme argentin de plus de 80 ans que vous avez rencontré par hasard. Si vous avez bon cœur et que vous vous demandez si vous devez l’aider ou non, voici quelques faits :
    • Il n’a pas tenu sa parole à plusieurs reprises.
    • Il a ajouté des signatures d’autres personnes à des accords juridiquement contraignants sans les impliquer.
    • Il a emprunté de grosses sommes d’argent et ne les a jamais remboursées.
      • Les excuses pour ne pas rembourser sont devenues improbables et offensantes à un moment donné, comme “la personne qui devait me rembourser a eu un accident de voiture à ce moment précis”.
  • I wish somebody wrote this piece of text when we needed it.
  • A wise person told me, “if you borrow money without the intention of giving it back, you are a thief.”
  • Always plan your retirement, otherwise you could end up like this.

By Doc

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