SQL (Structured Query Language) databases:


  • SQL databases are typically better for complex queries because of their adherence to ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties.
  • They use a structured query language and therefore are extremely versatile in querying data.
  • SQL databases are usually table-based, which makes them a good fit for applications that require multi-row transactions such as financial applications.


  • They tend not to scale horizontally very well (i.e., across multiple servers), and adding capacity can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • A high level of skill is required to manage and maintain the databases.
  • They are not a good fit for hierarchical data storage.

NoSQL databases:


  • NoSQL databases are usually designed to scale horizontally, and they can handle large amounts of data and traffic.
  • They can store different types of data models: key-value, wide column, graph, or document-based. This makes them highly flexible.
  • NoSQL databases can be easier to set up and manage, and they can often handle unstructured and semi-structured data.


  • NoSQL databases do not have a standard interface like SQL, which means that different types of NoSQL databases can be radically different from each other.
  • They usually don’t support ACID properties, making them less reliable in terms of data consistency in some scenarios.
  • While they’re designed to scale, they can have trouble with complex transactions and queries.

By Doc

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